All our services such as:
Handyman, Maintenance, Building, Construction, Cleaning, and Pest Control, Plumbing, Electric
are based on an hourly average rate of £35.00
We offer fixed price quote contacts as well as estimated offers which are competitively priced considering your location and the required amount of work to be carried out.
Material that we offer to purchase is calculated on the basis of an included discount that we receive as trade account holders with over 100's suppliers UK-wide.
To provide maximum transparency we allow the customer to purchase their own materials. Non the less most material that we purchase are trade quality and not compatible with DIY material that is purchased at local DIY stores.
Over the years we created a price list to show average pricing, for a better comparison and orientation.
To provide a price guide only, to provide you with an individual offer we need to take measures and discuss with you what you like to be done and how you like it to be done as well as what is required and needed.
We like to display some right here:
Painting & Decorating
Paint all 4 walls of a room from ceiling to floor - when walls are paint ready and do not require plastering or filling, or wallpaper to be striped.
On average £280 + Material
Painting & Decorating
Paint a complete room incl walls, ceiling, and skirting boards - when walls are paint ready and do not require plastering or filling, or wallpaper to be striped.
On average £560.00 + Material
Painting & Decorating
Paint the outside masonry of private property from the ground floor up to the first-floor roof edge
On average £560.00 + material and scaffolding
Pest Control Service
Per Call Out to investigate and act on the first call (Rats, Mice, Beg Bugs, Moths, Wasps, Ants)
On average £80.00 + material
Pest Control Service
Bird netting on a balcony
On average £280.00 + material
Pest Control Service
Removal or Oak Procession Moths
On average £280.00 + material
Garden Maintenance
Per Call Out to cut grass weed and fresh up the overall look of your front and back yard.
On average £140.00 + material, disposal of waste
Pressure Washing
Average size driveway incl. cleaner and prevention primer to keep it clean for a longer
On average £280.00 incl. all needed material etc...
Install a shower valve, kitchen or basin tap
On average £80.00 + material
Install a toilet
On average £140.00 + material
Install bathtub tap
On average £160.00 + material
Flush heating system and clean radiators and add inhibitor
On average £280.00 + material
Install a Decking average size
On average £560.00 + material
Install a Patio average size
On average £960.00 + material
Install a Driveway with block paving or concrete slabs of average size
On average £1200.00 + material
Install a Fence panel with concrete posts and concrete gravel boards per 4 panels section
On average £280.00 + material
Install Artificial Grass - average lawn size
On average £960.00 + material (We supply quality for 40mm for £15 per sqm)
Flat Roofing
Renew a single garage roof
On average £560.00 + material
Flat Roofing
Renew an entrance porch roof with felt
On average £280.00 + material
Bathroom Refurbishment
Renew Tiles, Appliance of an average size bathroom incl. Plumbing
On average £1980.00 + material
Kitchen Refurbishment
Install new kitchen cupboards, shelves, appliances,s and worktop of an average size kitchen incl. Plumbing
On average £1680.00 + material
Replace a single Internal Door
Without frame
On average £160.00 + material
Replace single Internal Door
Incl. frame
On average £280.00 + material + needed redecorating works around the frame.
Install a UPVC single Window
Incl seal around in and outdoor, take out the old window
On average £360.00 + material
Install a UPVC single Entrance Door
Incl seal around in and outdoor, take out the old door and frame
On average £480.00 + material
Install TV to the wall
Any size of TV incl. TV first setup and installation.
On average £160.00 + material
Install Laminate Flooring
Incl seal edges with beading or masking, per average size room
On average £360.00 + material
Install Carpet or Vinyl Floor
per average size room
On average £180.00 + material
Wallpaper Installation
per average size room
On average £480.00 + material
Wallpaper Installation
One wall only of an average size room
On average £160.00 + material
Install a Cooker, cooker hood, or cooker hob
per appliance only
On average £80.00 + material
Install the Dishwasher or Washing machine (not integrated appliance - stand along only)
When plumbing is supplied / if not + needed plumbing for waste and fresh water supply
On average £800.00 + material
Estate Agent
Per sale or buy support we charge a commission
1.5% of the property sales or buying price
Letting Agent
Per letting support we charge a commission
1.5 monthly rent of the property
Property Management
For the full care service to collect and forward rent and to monitor and assess your property to keep tidy and updated and in a good state and incl. communication on your behalf with tenants etc... we charge a monthly commission by contract.
10% of the property gross rent income (self-occupied properties are charged 10% on the monthly letting value)
Property Management repair Service
Per individual quote and incl. a 20% loyalty discount
Do not hesitate to ask for a free quote
074 114 57 127
The best way is to use WhatsApp
It will allow you to add inquiry-related images
Payments accepted:
Cash on Invoice / Receipt
Invoice payable by Bank Transfer on the day of invoice or until stated in the invoice.
To cover the costs of material and to be able to order them for delivery on time we ask for a deposit in the value of the material or 50% of the job contract, whichever is higher applies.
Late payments or overdue accounts are subject to a service charge of £25 per 10 days of delay.
After 60 days of delay, the account will be handed over to a debt collections agency, which could seriously impact the debtor's credit rating and will significantly increase the costs to be paid as the debt collection agency fee and further administration costs apply. Customers who deliberately run into late payment will be added to a black list and receive no further service.